Monday, April 2, 2012

Some Points To Consider…


1. It’s a girl.

2. We moved house. Bit of a disaster but we survived. Bit weird but we are settling gradually.

3. Seren turned 18 months – worthy of a separate post. To be continued.

4. The blog requires a revamp, a jushing up, and a new name. I’ve come to realise there are too many blogs called Across The Pond (even though their Blogspot address is something different) so I’m all ears on name suggestions. I’d just like to be a little unique, if it’s possible.

5. 27 weeks and some change. I can feel the 3rd Tri creeping up on me. Still addicted to sugary drinks and chocolate ice cream bars. It’s a wonder I passed the 1hr glucose test. It’s no wonder I need new maternity jeans.

6. Easter soon = pretty Easter dresses = pictures of miserable toddler in pretty Easter dress = first Easter egg hunt downtown. Time to dust off the DSLR.

7. It’s a girl!

8. The husband wants to name her Nerys. Send help please.

9. When you type the name Nerys, Word wants to autocorrect to Nerds. I feel this is a sign.

10. Nerys is almost Seren spelled backwards. Even more reason to call her Joan.