Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Poop is the new Black

It’s 4am, Seren has had an early poop in her crib. The hubs and I are sharing the diaper change. Cos you know, at 5am we’re both one-eyed open. He is at the head, I am at the rear end. I ask him to hold her legs up so I can do my thang. He obliges. He pushes her legs up too high. It’s too late to stop her.

She squeezes.

It comes. And it comes. She squirts watery poop in my direction. I’m arm-deep in a lovely shade of brown.

Lesson learned – he’s taking the bottom half next time.


Friday, March 18, 2011

Sitting Up

Seren is now sitting independently. She started about a week ago but could only master a few seconds before toppling over. Now she’s sitting for about 20 minutes at a time, only falling when she reaches for a toy too far away. She seems to enjoy the new found freedom and the whole new selection of toys it brings.

The photos aint getting much better!! In fairness I haven’t read much of the book and it’s taken almost a week to figure out how to change the aperture (thanks Nikon, for failing to explain this in your manual; thanks instead to Google search). I’m still learning bit by bit.

Our usual ‘routine’ went to pieces today; Seren had an early AM diaper blowout so she was up an hour in the night. She didn’t wake up until 8.30am so I knew it would be near impossible to get her ready for gym class at 11.45am – ready meaning not requiring a nap or feed. But the husband was determined so he took her. At noon he called me on his way home, she had fallen asleep! So we headed to the mall for some much-needed clothes shopping for her and came back to enjoy the 82 degree weather on the balcony.

Check out the new hat!!! Adorable (she’ll hate me when she’s 18 for this, sorry kiddo)

I’m still unsure who she’s looking like, it seems to change with each facial expression. Her eyes are turning hazel/green now. I was hoping she would keep her blue eyes like daddy but it looks like they’ll be more like mine. Happy joy joy.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Firstly, my laptop power pack stopped working last week, hence the recent blog drought. I finally managed to get to Best Buy on Saturday (goodbye $60) and we’re now back up and running. Bit of a rip off when you consider a brand new laptop is about $400 but hey ho. It’s funny, and probably a bit sad, when you realize how much you rely on a computer to function as a person.

Anyway, it didn’t stop mama from doing a little online shopping - Courtesy of daddy’s work computer.

This book was recommended (although she probably won’t remember the recommendation) by Danielle of Growing A Lemon but it’s taken me ages to get around to ordering it. I’m guessing it’ll also take ages for me to actually read it too, but it looks good on my coffee table if nothing else.

What time is it??

Rhumba Time!!!

Or maybe not…

I ordered this potentially Seren-proof watch last week because a) I’m fed up of not knowing the time, and b) I’m still waiting on my Michael Kors push present from the husband. And Mothers Day is coming up so I’m quietly hopeful.

Now, it was cheap, I aint no liar. I got it on sale, but the normal retail cost of this is ridiculous frankly. Seren, who we are currently nick-naming The Magpie, swoops in and wrenches it from my wrist in about 0.6 seconds. I put her to bed the other night and as I lifted up my arms she was holding it in her hand and grinning. The magnetic clasp is not strong at all and the digital screen kinda pops out of the plastic casing. So no, not a good purchase but I’ll keep sitting on the doorstep waiting for MK to walk by and throw me a timepiece. Waiting waiting waiting…..

Oh and don’t worry, I’m not all me me me when it comes to shopping. Madam got some goodies too.

I’m still flip-flopping when it comes to cloth diapering. When Seren was very little I used the hybrid types and they were ok, but I found that I preferred the pocket or AIO design more. So I sold most of the diapers I bought as a trial and decided that Bumgenius was the way to go. I’m slowly starting up my stash and when I saw the Artiste designs on Cotton Babies I couldn’t resist! Just waiting for my hemp inserts to arrive now so we can trial them at night – Seren is a BIG wetter and is always leaking through her disposables at night.

‘I went to the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and all I got was this lousy Bib’

Actually, we didn’t even make the parade this weekend. Mama had some errands which included a run to the post office to send off a New Baby present and 1st Birthday present. The baby was born the first week of January – the 1st birthday was 3 weeks ago. Punctuality is my middle name.

Aside from all the shopping we had a pretty quiet weekend. We stopped off at the local Ice Factory to watch our friends’ kids play soccer. They were playing together, which was a little worrying, but they were on the same side so that’s ok!

And finally the quintessential Bad Parent picture, courtesy of the husband. Baby plus large hot beverage!! (he was actually carrying one for me too until I flipped a lid).

Mmmmm, manly!

Hope everyone had a good weekend.


Lucy (and one Magpie)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Miss Independent

Seren has become quite the stubborn Miss this week when it comes to feeding time.

Exhibit A: One shalt not take bottle in mother’s arms anymore. Cue Boppy intervention.

I have to sit next to her and let her grab the bottle, put it to her mouth then I hold it the entire duration. Ok it’s only like 10 minutes, but still. Queen of Sheba???

Exhibit B: One shall hold own bowl at dinnertime and lick ones’ bowl clean.

Hey, at least she’s eating it! Momma’s delicious concoction of pear and sweet potato went down a treat. Pear is fast becoming my go-to food when it’s time for madam to, er, clean out her pipes. Lovely I know.

So Lady Muck is getting on in terms of her independence; we’re still working on sitting, her least favorite position currently. She’d much rather lie on her side and chew her big toe. Until she gets a whiff of it…… girlfriend has the worst smelling feet! Another trait inherited from her father, sadly.

Not much else happening in the household, a pretty quiet weekend. Trudged to Buy Buy Baby to get some OXO freezer trays in a bid to start making my own baby food. The rest of today will be spent trying to acquire an organic butternut squash – seriously I can’t get one anywhere! I can see Earth’s Best becoming my BFF in the not too distant future. Bring on the jars I say!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Diet Begins…..

I put it off for 5 months but I finally got my *ss in gear and started my diet. My freezer is stocked up with very attractive-sounding Lean Cuisine meals like Sesame Chicken with Broccoli and Honey-Glazed Chicken Pasta.

Last night I ripped open the LC Pepperoni Pizza with excitement – I can eat junk food and lose weight!!

It was a freaking coaster……

This is gonna be haaaaaaard work.