Monday, August 1, 2011

Been a while (sorry!)

So the laptop finally died on me around 3 weeks ago. I have to say I’m not surprised as I don’t think we ever really fixed the problem. We contemplated replacing the hard drive and battery but without any certainty that this would even work we decided to buy a nice new shiny one instead! Well, it’s not as fancy as the one we had but we have to get what we can get.

Windows 7 is taking a bit of getting used to, and I still haven’t uploaded everything from my old PC (incl. PSE and all my pics/documents) – and actually my pictures take up half the memory space on this thing so I guess we need to get an external hard drive as well.

Anyways the little madam turned 10 months while this was all happening.

Best shots I got!

What’s she up to these days??

* She has 8 solid teeth now and I think she is working on no. 9 up top. omg. I should have bought shares in Motrin. She likes to randomly chew my stomach and arms from time to time which is nice.

* She doesn’t like to eat many finger foods, in fact she’s incredibly picky about the texture of things. She currently has a repertoire of Graham crackers, Cheerios and puffs, Anything remotely soft of squidgy gets a big thumbs down.

* She can eat the entire innerds of a sweet potato in one sitting however. So this has become her regular dinner Smile

* She has started taking steps – up to 4 so far – and I’m surprised at how good her balance is. She is saying ‘dah-dee’ a lot but I don’t think she knows what it means yet (she called the dishwasher dah-dee the other day, ‘aint no similarities there). She does understand ball, daddy, mommy, ‘no’, TV (lol!), duck, blocks, puppy, teddy bear and a few others I cannot recollect right now.

* She loves reading books so much that she has started to rip and eat them. Grrreat.

* She has discovered toilet rolls and the endless fun there is in pulling them from the holder and running down the hallway; she also eats the paper when I’m not looking (I think I have a future Cindy Crawford on my hands).

* Her sleeping is still atrocious but we occasionally get the odd good night. Rich thinks its teething but I sense we are being played somewhat.


Anyway, in other news the Christening planning is well under way. Invitations are addressed and ready to go:

This is the template, obvs.

My sister is kindly making the cake, my ILs are helping with the food. It should be a great day, the headcount is at around 100 at the moment!!?? Now I just need to get outfits for all three of us and we’re set.

Speaking of outfits, I finally found a dress in Macy’s of all places for the wedding we are attending (sans baby); I also found some cute nude platform pumps and am just waiting for them in the post. Whether I’m going to be able to stand up or even walk in these babies is still up for question. I hope to do my first fashion-related post when they arrive! Yay. And maybe one for Seren also lol.

I have a ton of pics to upload and post (after editing them of course, cos we know they all suck) so I’m off to go get started.

Happy week, y’all.

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