I finally plucked up the courage to take Seren to her first ‘gym’ class Friday; Nana was in town and daddy booked the day off work so I took up the chance for extra pairs of hands in case of any meltdowns (or accidents!).
In my ignorance I seemed to have ignored the concept of the ‘Gym’ in Little Gym, thinking maybe we’d do some movements and singing, the usual baby stuff. Nope, we were doing somersaults and forward rolls – with 4 month olds!!?? I was too chicken, so the instructor took Seren to show the class. I handed her over and instantly felt like I had made a huge mistake – not another worst parent ever moment! She was fine but I don’t think I breathed the entire time Seren was in her arms.
I am well aware my roots need a touch-up.
They had a huge inflatable mat for the babies to bounce on – awesome I thought, she loves to bounce. So we sat them on the deflated edge and held on to them as the sides rose up high taking in the air. Bouncing was great……then the time came for flipping them over??? Again, the chicken in me took over.
This is Audrey. Audrey was born 2 weeks after Seren. Audrey lives 5 houses away from Seren. Who knew.
Daddy got in on the action momentarily (actually, so I could catch my breath. Nothing like baby gym tiring you out and making you look like the most unfit parent alive). He did the goodbye song.
At that point 90% of the babies had begun to tire/cry/scream so we said our goodbyes and headed off. Thankfully she napped in the car before the meltdown commenced.
In other randomness, we headed to the mall for a quick lunch and walk around. The MIL loves to cook so we couldn’t pass by an opportunity to visit Williams Sonoma – OMG the baby feeding section is too much! I managed to restrain myself enough to purchase a bowl and sippy cup set only………the husband had to drag me kicking and screaming from the Beaba Babycook food maker.
Food bowl (with suction base) – $12
Sippy cup – $10 (both Williams Sonoma)
Yay Morgan I love your blog! Your little family is just precious.