Sunday, February 27, 2011

Night At The Museum

Note: this post could well be re-titled ‘Day At The Museum’, or also ‘2 Hours At The Museum’. But never let it be said I don’t pass up the opportunity to plug a great movie!

I’m trying not to be one of ‘those’ parents that pushes their child to learn five languages and have a black belt in karate by age 2. You know the type - they’re walking around art galleries with their 2 week old baby in the hopes of creating an artistic genius, whispering But is it Art, Bartholomew? into baby's ear whilst daddy signs him up for ten years of art camp. I want the best for her of course, but I don’t think I could be a good parent to Doogie Howser MD.

That said, I do believe that exposing her to new things and places can do nothing but good, and if it’s educational then all the better. So we decided upon a trip to the Museum of Natural Sciences downtown. My main objective was to take Seren into the butterfly enclosure – she loves butterflies and I was secretly hoping one would land on her and give me a great photographic opportunity. I was disappointed in the outcome. But the trip was good!

Ever the patient one, I marched her straight to the butterfly enclosure. I need to point out that she and I are both looking a little dowdy; I have no excuse but Seren threw up peas on herself in the car so she’s wearing her less than cute clothes. Ah well.

Love this picture!

Now I’ve been to this museum a number of times, and I never ever saw the Sloth in the tree. I thought it was a big fib and all the attendants were secretly laughing at us all for staring up into the rafters believing we could see something. But actually, for the first time ever, I saw it! And as I expected, it didn’t do very much….

What a life, eh?? He’s got it easy, let me tell you. After visiting the butterflies we headed off to see the rest of the exhibits.

Hi, Bambi!! I haven't seen you in my garden lately?

Seren is scared of frogs; if you are like Seren, you should look away now.


Woooh woooh!

:: Dead ::

After I managed to bring the little one back to life, we headed to the underwater exhibits (you photography buffs are gonna love this one):

I know I know, you’re all shaking your head and tutting at my incompetent photographic skills; but in actual fact this is my favorite photo. Sort of a messy masterpiece, if you will? Except the walls are moving. And the whale is moving. And the floor…. ok I forget why it’s my favorite now.

Seren’s favorite part of the day - this flipping plastic alligator model. She screamed and screeched at it like she was telling it to get down from that wall and go do something useful! She’s all ham my girl.

So we just had to stop off at the gift shop and get her a little momentum of her trip -

Our alligator is much cuter.


Lucy (and one future marine biologist/ecologist/archaeologist – we just haven’t decided yet Smile ).

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